This is my last blog of the night, so while I want to share Miss R’s photos, I also want to update you on availability & maternity leave details.
I am booked for the rest of this year & am taking maternity leave from early December to mid-March. March is already full, so I am currently scheduling sessions April 2020 and beyond! I recommend you schedule your session at least 6 weeks before you need products, so if you’re wanting a gift for June 2020 or later now is the time to contact me!
How my maternity leave works: I’m not doing sessions between Dec & mid-March, however I’m still working. We’ll be finishing up order sessions by Christmas & making sure everyone’s products are to them early January. My baby is due late January, so I want to make sure my clients are taken care of before life gets a little crazier!
I will be responding to e-mails & scheduling consultations the whole time. Just know I might take a little bit longer to respond once the little Squish arrives.
Now on to some photos!

Ready to get on the 2020 calendar?! Click the diamond to get all the info!

HMUA Emily Dickinson & Mane Event