Miss K

Miss K is one of those people you could spend the whole day with and probably never stop laughing.  She is so much fun and laid back – not to mention, she’s stunning! Miss K came

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Happy December!

  I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  I was able to spend some time with family – including my 2 year old niece who is pretty wonderful!  Of course now it’s time to get

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Miss A

Miss A had her fabulous boudoir session in my studio a few months back.  She is so much fun to be around and didn’t mind my random outburst of song – which tends to happen

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Privacy Policy

  Modern Boudoir’s Privacy Policy That really doesn’t have anything to do with today’s post.  I just like to be reminded to try to “fly”. ——————————————————– Oftentimes, before one of my lovely clients decides to

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Black Friday Teaser #2

Spread the word, tell your friends! Gift cards will be on sale from Black Friday until the end of Cyber Monday! You will have the chance to save between $15 and $200.  Gift cards may

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Miss L

Miss L scheduled her boudoir session as a fun way to pamper herself!  She says her favorite part of her experience was “Gaining some extra confidence.”   I absolutely love how much of her confidence

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Happy November!

November is a pretty eventful month – I even made a list of all of the great things I’m looking forward to this November!  (I kind of really love lists!)  The reason I’m telling you

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Miss N

Miss N sent me an e-mail a few months back that simply said she is getting married in October and wants to give her fiance something to think about as she walks down the aisle…we

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