Miss A | Iowa Boudoir

**Note: These photos are from my old studio. I’m working my way through 2021 sessions & recently changed studios in early 2023. To see the new studio, click here!

  • Did you feel comfortable throughout your session?

    At the beginning I was nervous and uncomfortable because I’m not confident with my body whatsoever, but the once I got hair and makeup done, I started to relax a little. Once we started shooting, I trusted Cassie completely and my nerves were at ease.

  • How did you feel when you first saw your images?

    I was truly stunned. As women we are our own worst critic and I am the worst when it comes to being nice to myself, but when I saw the images I was shocked at how beautiful and confident I looked.

  • Tell your favorite part(s) of your experience

    Even though I was basically naked in front of her, Cassie made me feel completely comfortable and directed me throughout the whole session without making me feel embarrassed or awkward. She was professional and concise, but also kept things light and fun.

  • What are your thoughts on your final products?

    STUNNING. The quality and the clarity is absolutely beautiful. The packaging was a lovely touch to my gift! Cassie’s editing style made the images look flattering and dramatic without altering the authenticity of my body.

  • What advice do you have for other women who are considering a boudoir session?

JUST GO FOR IT. You will seriously not regret it. I find myself staring at my images, because I’m still in utter shock that the subject is me. Yes, my significant other absolutely loved the photos, but I did this session more for myself than for him. You will feel like a million dollars after your session with Cassie.

  • Do you have any other comments/suggestions?

    I don’t think I’ll ever say it enough, but THANK YOU. Like I said, I am my worst critic and these images make me feel gorgeous and confident, something I have rarely felt throughout my whole life. I want everyone to do a session with you so they feel the same way about themselves!

Click here to contact me & start your boudoir experience!

Hair/makeup by AfterGlow