TBT: Miss A

It’s throwback Thursday, so the usual Tuesday blog was cancelled this week so we could delve into the past a little bit… Almost a year and a half ago one of my previous brides (Miss A) asked if I would be willing to do boudoir photos for her.  I was hesitant at first and a bit nervous, but we ended up having a fantastic time!  After this session, I knew that boudoir photography was something I enjoyed and would like to pursue… then almost a year later my studio somehow found me! Because this session was before I had a studio, we used a hotel in Des Moines so the lighting, backgrounds, etc. are different than the usual photos you’ll find on my website.  Many thanks goes to Miss A who trusted me to create beautiful photos of her and step outside of my usual photography comfort zone to try something new. ….so, without further ado, here is Miss A: adbasic02 adbasic11 adbasic14 adbasic32 adbasic36 adbasic54 adbasic57

There are still plenty of openings for sessions next month, so make sure to schedule your consultation today! contact-me

*These photos were used with permission from Mrs. A.  Garnet Photography cares about you and your privacy, no photos will be used without written consent.*

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